0G was the invention of the mobile telephone without networks, where callers had to connect to a base station and operator. In 1979 and 80, 1G came out, where the cellular radios (as we engineers called them) were first connected to networks of stations (called cells). The 2G networks were the first ones where consumers became aware of new capabilities and started buying the technology heavily. This was during the late 90s and into the early 2000s. These were the first phones with the PHS, CDMA, GSM, mail, Cameras, and other options. 3G is the network expansion which allowed direct internet connections, Wideband data access, simultaneous voice, data, music, and telephone, plus network based apps all rolled into one. 3G is the network which allows you to use the cell phone as a credit card. 4G is a network in the planning stages, although some companies say they are implementing parts of the 4G net now. 4G includes a network specification (engineer talk for ba...
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